Humanitarian project «Leisure room»
We invite you to cooperate
Humanitarian project «Leisure room»
Humanitarian project
State cultural institution «Kopylsky district center of Culture»
Project Name: «Leisure room»
Implementation period: long-term
The applicant, the proposed project: State cultural institution «Kopylsky district center of Culture»
The aim of the project:
The main goal of the project is to create conditions for organized recreation of children, providing them with the opportunity to develop creative activity taking into account their own interests, inclinations, opportunities.
Target Group: The project's activities are aimed at children and adolescents.
Brief description of the project activities:
We believe that creative expression, innovation, and critical thinking are the foundation for the development of the next generation. An important point is the presence of a favorable developing environment.
The main feature and advantage of " leisure rooms "as a form of work is that, unlike club activities, children come to the cultural center (in the" leisure room") in their free time. Here they can choose their own activity according to their interests (board games, decorative and applied art, interactive contests, take part in quests, master classes, etc.). Thus, children and teenagers get the opportunity to spend their free time or just relax in a safe environment, in a creative environment.
The total amount of funding (in US dollars): 25000
Source of funding: amount of funding (in US dollars)
Donor funds: 24 000
Co-financing: 1000
Project implementation location: State cultural institution «Kopylsky district center of Culture»
Contact person: Grickevich Anastasia Mikhailovna – director State cultural institution «Kopylsky district center of Culture»
Telephone: 8 (01719)55126, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
We will be glad to cooperate!